Invitations open

Your Everyday
Piano Masterclass

Harmono uses AI and expert guidance to turn every piano practice session into a masterclass.

To get access to Harmono, join our App Store TestFlight group for iOS devices or Google Play Store internal testing group for Android devices, and request an invitation code

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New songs and interpretations added daily

Step I: Record ➡️ Analyze 🔍

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Track your progress over time on pieces you are learning & practicing

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Pick a piece to practice and improve on from Harmono's extensive library

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Select your masterclass teacher from world-renowned pianists to guide your practice

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Listen to your teacher's interpretation with measure-by-measure highlighting

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Record selected segment or the whole piece with interactive sheet music

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Get detailed guidance based on tempo, dynamics, pedaling and other nuances

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Compare your performance measure-by-measure with your masterclass teacher

Step II: Refine ➡️ Mastery 🚀 🎹

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Access detailed feedbacks on your tempo, dynamics, pedaling and other nuances

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Refine on any feedback with guidance from masterclass teacher interpretations

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Iterate on areas needing improvement with tailored feedback each time

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Track your progress in the app and be ready for your next masterclass!

Harmono is currently in alpha testing. Now releasing alpha test invitations.